General Questions

  • Yes, you can purchase your vehicle from a private seller or a dealer. Since we’re a completely independent finance brokerage company, our focus is to aid you in getting the best deal for you.
  • Absolutely. We can help you get a better finance deal wherever you may be. We have an awesome team of consultants on-hand who are ready to help online or in person.
  • Nope. AutoWallet is fully independent which means we negotiate the best rate for you from a wide range of lenders. Furthermore, since we don't have any sneaky, secret relationships with any particular lender, and we charge a fixed fee regardless of whatever lender you choose.
  • AutoWallet does all the work for you, so you don't have to. We’ll compare all options from lenders right across the country, and lock down the best deal for you, which means you’ll save the pain and hassle of researching and comparing options, and in turn, save money! Plus, we can provide instant finance quotes, approval and pre-approval online.

Applying for Finance

There are two options:
  • Option 1 :

    • Complete our online application for an instant obligation free quote.
    • Select the financier of your choice
    • We will contact you shortly to discuss your specific requirements, ensuring a fast turnaround time for your loan/lease.
  • Option 2 :

    • You can request one of our Sidekicks to contact you by filling in our contact form.
  • In most situations, everything can be completed online and over the phone. The loan approval can then take place the very same day that an enquiry is made.

Fees & Rates

  • All our lenders offer fixed and variable rates. That means you know exactly what to budget for.
  • This will depend on the lender you choose. Most (but not all) lenders will charge a monthly account keeping fee in line with the National Credit Act.
  • We charge a flat fee of R4999.00 excl, irrespective of which lender you choose. This fee can be built into the total loan amount, which we find is a popular choice amongst our customers.

Help Buying a Car

  • Sure we can. We can refer you to one of our affiliate dealerships right across South Africa. You can also visit the Netcars Virtual showroom at

Available Loan Types

  • We offer four types of finance agreements:
  • Hire Purchase Agreement
  • Instalment Sale Agreement
  • Vehicle Lease Agreement
  • Long Term Rental

As well as the following finance options:

  • New Car Finance
  • Used Car Finance
  • Car Refinance
  • Leisure Finance
  • Motorcycle Finance
  • Caravan Finance
  • Blacklisted Vehicle Finance

You can read more about the above throughout our website.

About Consumer Loans

  • A Fixed Rate Consumer Loan is a finance product where the financier provides the borrower with the funds to purchase a vehicle for mostly personal use. The vehicle is used as security for the loan, and at the end of the contract period, the customer retains the full title of the car.
  • The benefits of a Fixed Rate Consumer loan include:
  • Flexible contract terms or length of contract
  • A residual can be applied to the loan, reducing the monthly instalments
  • A deposit can be used (either cash or trade in) which reduces the amount of the loan
  • A tax deduction may be applicable if the vehicle is to be used for business purposes
  • Lower interest rates are available as the loan is secured against the car
  • No additional security is required
  • A Fixed Rate Consumer Loan is best suited to someone who uses their vehicle predominantly for personal use. However, it can be used for business purposes too.

About Finance Leases

  • It's a commercial finance product that allows the customer to have the use of a passenger or commercial vehicle, while the financier retains actual ownership of the vehicle. The financier buys the vehicle on behalf of the customer, who then leases the vehicle from the financier and pays a fixed monthly lease rental for the term of the lease. At the end of the lease, the customer can either pay a residual value on the lease and assume ownership of the vehicle, re-finance the residual or trade-in and purchase another vehicle.
  • Benefits include:
  • Lease payments are normally tax deductible
  • Flexible contract terms ranging from 36 to 60 months (three to five years)
  • Fixed interest rate
  • Fixed monthly lease rentals make for easy budgeting
  • Ability to make advance lease payments for tax deduction or cash-flow purpose.
  • All leases must have a residual (balloon payment), lowering monthly payments
  • A Finance Lease is used by businesses or individuals to purchase a new or used vehicle that is used for business or investment purposes.

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